Posts in Hypothesis Blog
Convergence: The Next Big Trend in Retail

Lately it seems everyone is seeking to be an “&,” suggesting a trend toward convergence. Convergence is a concept taken from biology, the tendency of animals and plants to evolve toward similar characteristics. There is a great RadioLab podcast which illustrates the concept using lightning bugs.

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"Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication"

Too many research and consulting firms create reports that are the opposite of simple—they are confusing, complicated, and long. We don’t want our reports (or anything else we do) to be hard for our clients and stakeholders. Ironically, creating a simple report requires effort, skill, and experience. 

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Hypothesis BlogHypothesis
5 Principles of Great Infographic Design

One of our unique differentiators here at Hypothesis is our dedication and investment in design. Good design is part of our corporate ethos and permeates our work as well as our physical surroundings. Having a full-time, in-house design team affords us the opportunity to dive deep into our data and expose relationships, both conceptually and visually.

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Hypothesis BlogHypothesis