Hypothesis Internship Program Continues to Thrive

It’s hard to believe the Hypothesis Internship Program is more than 7 years old and we’ve hired more than 10 full-time employees. Due in part to our partnerships with schools such as USC, UCLA, and Art Center, we’re able to find stand-out individuals from a variety of disciplines.

Our internship program has proven to be a successful way to identify, train, and hire new talent. But what makes for a great intern, you ask? Great question! We asked Associate Consultants Josh Erdman and Bonnie Tam, both from internship Class of 2013 who now run the program, for their perspective.

According to them, these are the must-have attributes for a successful intern. They get dozens of applications and this is the criteria they use to weed through them all.

  • Passionate

  • Curious

  • Attention to detail

  • Quick thinking

  • Creative

  • Strong writer

Think you or someone you know could be a fit? We’re always looking for great intern candidates. Email info@hypothesisgroup.com with a cover letter, resume, and availability.

Graduates from the Hypothesis Intern Program

Josh Erdman 10173 web.jpg
Selin Kargi 12746-1 web.jpg
Gissell Garcia 10135 High Resolution.jpg
Bonnie Tam 10179 High Resolution 2.jpg
Jenny Collins 10148web.jpg
Maggie Nelson 10211 High Resolution 2.jpg