3 Questions with Kaitlyn Hutt

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Kaitlyn Hutt is an Engagement Manager at Hypothesis. We sat down to ask her about her work and life at Hypothesis. Contact her at khutt@hypothesisgroup.com

Q. You’ve worked on some of Hypothesis’s biggest tracking projects. What’s the secret to running a great tracker?

Kaitlyn: Flexibility and fresh perspectives. Trackers are great tools for measuring & monitoring the status of a brand or campaign, but focusing too closely on changes in a handful of metrics might lead us to overlook the real story.  When I think about tracking data I like to consider two big questions:

  1. What is the data telling us about “right now,” i.e., the current market and competitive environment?

  2. What does this mean for the future as the landscape continues to evolve and change?


Q. People love working with you. Can you give us any tips for collaboration?

Kaitlyn: Well that’s nice (smiling). We have so many smart and talented people here, I always try to keep myself in check about knowing my own strengths/limitations and knowing when I should bring in and listen to an expert.


Q. We heard you’re a runner. What’s the longest/most challenging run you’ve ever done?

Kaitlyn: My younger sister convinced me that we should run our first marathon together a few years ago. It was so hard, I thought I was ending my 14-year relationship with running for good after I crossed the finish-line…..This past Sunday I ran the LA Marathon, so obviously that didn’t stick. The runner’s high is real (smiling).