Holiday Party 2016 at The Library, ReDbury Hotel, Hollywood

Last night, Hypothesis held it's annual Holiday Dinner Party at The Library at the Redbury Hotel, right in the heart of Hollywood (and, yes, that was an X-Wing fighter we saw parked across the street). Unlike the Summer Party, which is a less formal event with family and significant others, the annual Holiday party is strictly Hypothesis, and it's strictly dress-to-impress. It's a great chance to bond, socialize, and celebrate together in a more intimate setting. Our private space was beautiful and festive, and the jazz band on the outside patio really helped set the mood. We started out with handcrafted cocktails, then enjoyed an amazing, proper sit down dinner, followed by fun music and dancing. The raffle prizes included a Google Home, several Fitbit Charge 2s, Disneyland tickets, and generous Uber gift cards (wait, aren't those all our clients? Why, yes they are!). It was a spectacular evening that ended only when the staff politely asked to leave well in the A.M.  

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