Hypothesis Welcomes Senior Consultant, Kaitlyn Hutt

Hypothesis continues to build strategy and innovation capabilities

Hypothesis is excited to announce the newest member to our team, Kaitlyn Hutt, who brings a strong strategy and insights background. Before joining Hypothesis Los Angeles, Kaitlyn was a Strategist at Egg Strategy, a global strategy and innovation firm. There, she specialized in gathering consumer insights across methodologies to support path-to-purchase mapping, brand renovation, positioning and communication strategy, concept development, and insight planning. Kaitlyn has experience across multiple industries including technology, financial services, food/beverage and pharmaceuticals. Kaitlyn also spent 6 years at Millward Brown.

According to Hypothesis Chief Relationship Officer, Maria Vallis, “We are fortunate to attract talent like Kaitlyn. Her experience combining research and strategy with artful storytelling makes her a perfect fit with Hypothesis. We look for her to add immediate value to our clients that demand not just great research, but a strong strategic point of view based on cross-category expertise.” 

Raised a New Yorker in Texas, Kaitlyn is a true believer in the saying “home is where the heart is.” After a stint in Denver, she is thrilled to be returning to Los Angeles, a city that she has called home once before. Though she left the Rocky Mountains behind, Kaitlyn brings her love of the outdoors back to LA and is likely to be found exploring the various So Cal mountain ranges or running the streets and trails (or carb-loading) in preparation for the next race on her calendar.

Welcome, Kaitlyn! 

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