The Hypothesis Way: Our Brand Book
Written by Jeff Seltzer, Managing Partner
More than 20 years ago, we started Hypothesis with the idea of being a different type of agency that emphasizes creativity and design while embracing individuality, empowerment, and support for each other. Over the years, the company’s core values and goal of doing the best work was summarized internally as the “Hypothesis Way.” That phrase captures everything from how we approach our work and our client relationships, to how treat each other. The Hypothesis Way is how we flourish as individuals and as company. It is our story. It is our guiding principle, our North Star. While the Hypothesis Way is demonstrated best through example, we thought it was time to fully articulate this construct for new team members and as a reminder for our veterans. So, it is with great pride that we present “The Hypothesis Way” Brand Book. This beautiful piece is coffee-table-ready and tells the story of the Hypothesis brand, our voice, our values, our mission, and our vision. The Hypothesis Way is alive and thriving, and thus always evolving, so this brand book will be revised as appropriate. We are proud to share our brand book with clients and friends of Hypothesis. The Hypothesis Way is to share.
To view our new Brand Book, click here or drop your email address in the field below for a PDF version.